So, That's what happened at Kubecon CloudNativeCon 2022 North America.
Overall Virtual Experience.
How It all started ๐ฐ
I was Browsing the web to knowing the latest things around the world and I sported this thing called Kubecon CloudNativeCon North America. I didn't even know about kubecon until then, So I searched about Kubecon and found something interesting -- Kunal Video on Kubecon. Then I came to know all about Kubecon and how to get a scholarship for attending, Kept all my work aside and filled out the application form for Dan Kohn Need-Based Scholarship...
The Dee Day ๐
I was waiting for the Notification of the scholarship outcome and all of a sudden I got a mail from CNCF,Gone Mad and super excited, I prepared everything for the Virtual Event and waited for the Kickoff, as I am a first-time attendee of the event, I watched several videos on how to utilize the event time
The Kick-Start ๐
I was excited to join the event and that was my first day 24th of October Monday, hopped on to the first session but that was not streaming for me! I don't know what to do. explored everything and found some key things.
Connect to VPN While Attending the Virtual Session.
Join The Slack Channel
You can only attend events which are available virtually (You cannot stream In-Person only Events)
Specific Sessions will not be available according to registration type, So check that before.
You can attend office hours and can talk with the company officials directly.
There will be a Special Offers section where you can redeem exciting offers.
Literally, you can search for any person and start talking with them via ' Direct Messages '
Ultimately On the First and Second Days, I Attended ๐
- Live Office Hours of Cockroach DB -- Learnt about Cockroach DB, distributed database.
- Joined CodeFresh Live Office Hours -- Learnt how to automate GitOps workflows.
- Attended the Kubecost, Sysdig Sessions
With Two Day Experience โจ
On the second Day 26th of October, I Attended The Keynote Welcome + Opening Remarks - Priyanka Sharma that was a great start and really surprised on watching the keynote.
I got this Phippy Character, Try to share yours in the comments
wonderful day of all! ๐
This is another best day of my life, I have attended many sessions and the most important sessions are
Mentor-Mentee Framework To Build the Next Generation Of Cloud Native - Kunal Kushwaha & Mark Boost, Civo
We're In! Students Hacking Their Way Into the CNCF - Ashwin Kumar Uppala, AtSign; Kaiwalya Koparkar, M. S. Gosavi Polytechnic Institute; Karuna Tata, AsyncAPI; Abhishek Choudhary, Nirmata
Learned some key insights of mentor and mentee with Kunal Kushwaha a great talk and learnt about hackathons Ashwin Kumar Uppala, Kaiwalya Koparkar, Abhishek choudhary -- Know More About Hackathons From Here.
Final Whistle ๐
On the Final day, I attended the Community Awards - Hosted by Chris Aniszczyk and Peer Group Mentoring + Career Networking (VIRTUAL) The Mentoring Session was absolutely fantastic the mentors have given great suggestions for the questions asked! especially Kiran "Rin" Oliver has helped me out. Thank You AWS for sponsoring this session.
Verdict ๐
This is All About Kubecon CloudNativeCon 2022 North America, I think as a first-time attendee I have explored a lot of things and met a lot of new friends and enjoyed every second...
Things that I have learnt from the Kubekon 2022
Involve in the cloud and opensource projects,
Contribute to opensource,
Learn how to network with people because,
Networking is your net worth
Take Part in hackathons,
Try to Attend Events IN-PERSON
Thanks for reading my blog and staying till the end here with me, Hope I was able to share my valuable information with you.
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